Welcome to TherapyOwl, your tool to find clients and have clients find you! This guide walks you through the basic signup process. If you are a therapist, please follow this article to ensure your listing is verified and published.
Create your personalized TherapyOwl listing in 5 easy steps:
- Tell us About you
- Let's talk about your Credentials
- Supply your Contact information
- Agree to the Terms of Use
- Verify your email address
Once you’ve set your account up, you’ll need to know the basics of using TherapyOwl:
- Logging in for therapists
- The essential Settings
Thanks for choosing to use TherapyOwl! We couldn’t be more excited to have you on board. If you have any questions during the listing process, please contact us at support@therapyowl.ca.
Practice wisely!
Tell us about you
Get started by heading to therapyowl.ca and clicking the Create Free Listing button in the top right corner.
Each time you access TherapyOwl, you’ll use your email address and a password. Set those up in this step. Your password must be at least 6 characters in length. When choosing your own password, you should do your best to make it as complex as possible. Secure passwords use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols (such as “!,” “?,” or “@”).
Note - you cannot use the same email address to sign up for another listing, so make sure the email address is independent to you and not your practice setting as a whole.
You can update both of these details at any time once you complete the signup process.
Click Create Account to fill in your credentials.
Let’s talk about your credentials
Your credentials will be used on your public profile to let clients know what type of therapist you are, as well as your professional designations. All of the fields in this area are mandatory. Once you complete all of the fields, you can view a preview of your Profile Heading. It will look something like this:
You can toggle back to this step at any point in the signup process. Once you are satisfied with the information displayed in this heading, click Next to enter your contact information.
Supply your contact information
TherapyOwl uses your location and contact information as one way for new clients to find you. Ensure that your contact information is accurate to maximize the amount of clients who can find your profile.
All of the fields here are mandatory. Your Practice Name, Phone Number, and Street Address should all be associated to the location in which you practice from. You may only list one address and one phone number on your profile.
Note - all the information on this page will be displayed on your profile and can be changed at any time after creating a listing. Toggle back to this step anytime during the signup process.
When you’re ready, click Next to proceed to the review the Terms of Use.
Agree to the Terms of Use
The next step is to read and agree to TherapyOwl’s Terms of Use. Scroll down the Terms of Use box displayed, or, by click either of the blue titles Terms of Use/Privacy Policy below this box to open external tabs with this information.
Once you have finished reviewing this information, click the blue box at the bottom of the page that reads I agree to the TherapyOwl Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
Finally, click the blue Complete Signup button on the bottom right of your page to proceed to the last step of the signup process.
Email Verification
The final step is to verify your email address. You will be locked out of your profile and will not be able to view or edit anything within it until your email is verified. To verify an email:
- Visit the email inbox that you entered in the first step of the sign up and click the link within.
- At this point you will be redirected to a page that will ask you to click a button to verify your email. Simply click the blue Verify button to create your listing!
- If you were previously logged in, you will be redirected to your profile with the onboarding welcome screen open; if you were logged out when you verified your email, you will have to log in again to see your profile.
- After you verify your email, you should not have to do it again unless you change your email that you log in with.
Once you have verified your email, you can access all the features in the profile page and get started filling out information for your listing.
Logging in (Users)
Head to therapyowl.ca and click the blue Therapist Login button at the top right of the page to log in to your account.
Enter your email address and password, then click the blue Login button. You will land on your profile page. If you cannot remember which email address you signed up for TherapyOwl with, please check your inboxes to find which one received the Verification Email.
Forgot your password?
Use the blue Click here to reset button to update your password. This will prompt you to enter the email address you signed up. Once you click Submit, we will send you a link to reset your password.
Update your password or email address at any time in your Settings.