Here are some of the most common questions we hear about TherapyOwl. If you have any other questions, please contact us at
How do I delete my TherapyOwl account/listing?
At this moment in time, we cannot entirely delete therapist profiles. What we can do however, is unpublish profiles which will not allow any users to be able to search for you. If you choose to take down your listing, please contact us at
Can I use one email address for multiple user accounts?
Only one email address can be used per account. That means if you choose to have multiple therapists from a single practice signup with TherapyOwl, each individual must have their own unique email address. There may only be one listing per therapist.
What contact information should I list on my profile?
Any contact information listed on your profile such as Address, Email, Phone Number, Website, etc. should be specific to your area of practice. This is information that the general public will see and use to get into contact with you.
Note - you can change the information you list here at any time.
How do I list my entire practice address?
To begin entering your practice address, start by typing in the street address. Once the street address is entered, a drop-down menu will appear with more specific location information. At this point, you can select the region, postal code, and country specific to your area of practice.
There is a second address line where you can enter additional information such as suite/apartment information.
What is the cost associated with having a TherapyOwl listing?
TherapyOwl is currently free! There are no hidden costs or fees that can be charged to you for using this service.
We do plan on implementing a Premium account, which will have even more great features!
How long will it take for my profile to be verified and published?
Once all the required fields on your profile are completed, and your Publishing Status says In Review, it will take approximately 24-48 hours for your profile to be verified and published.
We will be sure to send you a personal email notifying you of this.