When a file or folder has been deleted, it will be placed in the Trash section. You can view this section by clicking the Trash button at the top of the page. When you click into the Trash section the button is highlighted in orange to indicate that you are viewing the deleted items. To leave this view, simply click on the orange Trash button again to go back into the main Practice Documents section.

When folders are deleted, all of the other sub-folders and files within are deleted as well. From the Trash view all items appear at the highest level of deletion. If you have deleted a sub-folder with other sub-folders and files nested within it, you will only see the highest level folder from the listing. If you have deleted the file itself, then you will see that file in the Trash section.
When you are in the Trash section you will see all of the files and folders that have been deleted with a Restore option next to them. Clicking the Restore option will take the folder or file from the Trash and add it back into the Practice Documents section in the same location it existed before it was deleted.
The Trash section can only be accessed by Practice Owners and Office Admins. Therapist users do not have the option to delete documents and therefore will not have access to the Trash section.