Setting up Your Account for Superbills

Since a Superbill is a document with specific informational requirements, you need to ensure that all of the necessary information has been input into your Owl account before you'll be able to issue one to a client.


To find out the information you'll need for Superbills, you can go to Settings > Practice Details > Insurance and scroll down to the Superbills section:



You will need to go to the following places in Owl to add this information:

  1. Practice Tax ID - Settings > Payment Details > Input the number into the Tax ID field provided and specify if it is your SSN or EIN number:

  2. Therapist NPI Number - Settings > Therapists > Select Therapist Profile > Edit > Scroll down to Insurance Details section of the profile and input the number into the NPI Number field provided:

  3. Therapist License Number - Settings > Therapists > Select Therapist Profile > Edit > Input the number into the License Number field provided:

  4. Client Diagnosis Code - Clients > Search for and open an individual Client Profile or add a new Client Profile > Contact & Clinical > Clinical Details > Edit > Scroll down to the Presenting Issues or Diagnoses field provided:

    Choose a diagnosis from the drop down menu provided, or enter the diagnostic code to find the one you need:

  5. Client Date of Birth - Clients > Search for and open an individual Client Profile or add a new Client Profile > Contact & Clinical > Contact Details > Edit > Scroll down to the Date of Birth field provided and input the date:

Once all of these settings have been established for your practice and at least one (1) therapist profile and one (1) client profile you will be able to create a Superbill.


Please note: if the required information has not been input for a specific Therapist or Client that you would like to Superbill, you will not be able to create one until the necessary information has been input. Also, you cannot create a Superbill for unpaid sessions. Superbills can only be created for sessions that have been paid in full. Also, it is important to know that a session can only be added to one Superbill. You cannot add the same session to multiple Superbills.