Edit Forms Settings

There are two generic settings to configure before you begin sending forms to client: 

  • Update logo and favicon
  • Update Default Forms Email Message

Update Your Logo and Favicon 
Your logo and favicon are images that are displayed on your Client Portal, so your clients can be familiar with your branding! Your image files must be under 450 kilobytes (kb), and in PNG, GIF, or JPG format. 

Your logo will appear on the form itself, directly by the title, and we recommend using your practice logo. Your image file must be under 450 kilobytes (kb), and in PNG, GIF, or JPG format. Here is what your logo looks like on a form: 

Your favicon is a small image (16x16 pixels) that appears on the tab or title bar when the page is loaded. Remember that it is small, so a simple image is ideal. Here is what your favicon looks like: 


To upload your logo and favicon: 

  • Head to Settings > Online Portal.
  • Under the Logo heading, click Choose an Image .
  • Locate the file and select it.
  • Under the Favicon heading, click Choose an Image.
  • Locate the file and select it.
  • Click the green Save button to apply your changes.

Edit Your Default Forms Email Message 
Before you send a form to your client, you will want to edit the Default Client Form Email. When you send a form to a client through Owl, the form is sent as a custom link. The rest of the content of your email can be entirely customized by you! 

To edit your Default Forms Email Message. 

  • Head to Settings > Online Portal
  • At the bottom of this page, you will see the Client Form Messages
  • Use the macros on the right, and build the content of your message under the Email Message area
  • You must use the _FORMS_ macro to include the link to the form. If you do not use this macro, no link will be included in the email to your client.
  • Click the green Save button to update your work.

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You can customize the message each time you send a form to your client, but a standard one is recommended!