In Owl, you can send a form to a Client any time you wish. What happens when you want to know the status of that form? Or follow up with a Client on a form that hasn't been completed yet?
You can go to a Client's profile and click into the Documents section to see all of the forms you've sent to the client and the status of each. Owl will let you know the status of the form, the % of required questions completed, and the % of optional questions completed for any forms in progress. You will see the status Complete and a green check mark under any form that has been completed in full:
If your Client hasn't completed a form and you would like to send a reminder to them to complete it, you can do so by going to Workflow > Forms to see a list of all the forms that have been sent but not yet completed:
You can click the checkbox next to a form to select it, and then click the Send button that appears in the green banner at the top of the page to resend it to your client:
From this page you can also apply filters to easily find the client and the form you need. You can filter by Client Name, Form Name, or by the Percent Complete: