Client Coverage

You can add the details of your clients’ coverages in two ways: 

  1. From within the Client Profile 
  2. By going into the Manage section

Please note that TELUS eClaims does not currently support multiple coverage claims. If a client has more than one coverage saved to their profile, you can select only one when creating a claim. 


Prior to using eClaims for a client, it is necessary to obtain consent to submit their information to the eClaims portal from Owl. Owl offers an integrated, pre-made form in Manage > Forms you can use to do this, though you don’t have to do it this way if you already have an alternative process in place..


Client Profile Method

Open a client profile and go to  eClaims > Coverage. You can use the “+” sign in the bottom right corner to add a new coverage for this client. A window will open prompting you to add the insured party’s details: 



Enter the required information and click the Save button. Once saved, you will find the coverage listed in the client’s profile in eClaims > Coverage. You can click the pencil icon on a coverage card to edit it or to delete it. You can use the filter options in the top-right corner of this page to narrow your search if a client has numerous coverages on file.



Go to Manage > eClaims > Coverage and click on the “+” sign icon in the bottom right corner of the page to add a new coverage for a client. A window will open prompting you to choose a client, then you can add the insured party’s details: 



Enter the required information and click the Save button. Once saved, you will find the coverage listed in Manage > eClaims > Coverage. You can click the pencil icon on any coverage listed here to edit it or to delete it. You can use the filter options in the top-right to narrow your search of all the coverages displayed here.