Understanding Owl's User Types

The Group Edition in Owl Practice has three different user types: Practice Owner, Therapist, and Office Admin. Please use this guide as a resource if you need help understanding the differences or puposes of each user type in Owl! 

Practice Owner 
The Practice Owner user type is responsible for the initial configuration of an Owl account. This user type: 

  • Can have their own client list, but will see all clients in the practice.
  • Can schedule, bill, and write session notes.
  • Sees all of the practice's clients, notes, schedules, and financial data.
  • Has full access to the Dashboard area.
  • Is responsible for the initial configuration of the account.
  • Is the only user type that can delete a client.
  • Can see the list of Online Portal clients, with the ability to verify and associate to a client record

There is no limit to the amount of Practice Owner users in a Group Edition. If your practice has multiple Practice Owners (partners), they can all be set as this user type! 

Therapist user type is ideal for therapists who should not have access to financial data or other therapist's client lists. The therapist user type: 

  • Can schedule sessions, complete billing, and write/sign session notes.
  • Can be set to see only their own clients. Can see all of a client's information and notes if they are assigned as the Primary Therapist, Other Therapist, or a Supervisor for that client.
  • Can be set to see their own calendar.
  • Is not able to see the practice's financial data.
  • Is not able to export the practice's financial data.
  • Cannot delete a client.

The  Office Admin user type is ideal for support staff. This user type: 

  • Has full access to the practice's Owl account.
  • Can schedule, bill, and manage financial details.
  • Has limited access to the Dashboard area - can only see the Data Exports.
  • Can assist in managing the Settings of the practice.
  • Can be blocked from seeing all session notes.
  • Cannot delete a client.
  • Owl does not charge for Office Admin users.
  • Can see the list of Online Portal clients, with the ability to verify and associate to a client record