Services are the different kinds of sessions that you offer. You can specify the price, duration, and tax rate for your services. When you log in to Owl for the first time, there will not be any services set up. This is because a service looks different for every therapist. For instance, a psychologist might offer CBT at $100 per session, while art therapy would be $50 per session. Using services can help you quickly identify what type of session a client has had historically, and to organize your invoicing.
Adding Services
Before you can schedule your first session you need to add a service!
- In the side navigation bar click Settings
- Head to Services and Fees
- Press the plus icon to open the Add New Service window.

- Fill in all of the fields. Ensure your service names are unique so you can easily know which is which.

- If you would like, you can also set up service-specific availability here. If you only offer a service on certain days or times, setting this up will warn you or any other Owl user that tries to book this service in at an incorrect time. If you use the Client Portal, it also means that Clients will be unable to book this service to take place on unselected days or hours.
- Press the green Create Service button.
That's it! You can now schedule your clients for this service!
Remove a Service
Occasionally, you might need to remove a Service, if it is a session type that you no longer provide, or you made a mistake during its creation. To delete a service:
- Go to Settings from the side navigation bar.
- Head to Services and Fees.
- Click the checkbox next to the service you wish to delete.
- In the green action bar that appears once you click the checkbox click Delete.

If you delete a service type, it will not delete historical data. We will keep all sessions you've previously booked under that type, and it will keep all settings from that type still available in that session history. Deleting a Service simply removes it from the list for future sessions.
Note - you cannot edit a service name or type once you save it. Owl has been designed to keep your data integrity intact. Because of this, we made the deliberate decision to prevent editing Service Types and Names. If you find a mistake in the service after you've created it, you'll need to delete the service and re-enter it. You can, however, change any service's duration or fee as needed by selecting Edit, since this type of thing is more likely to change as you grow.