We Can Help . . .

General Overview

Everything you need to know about the Owl Practice EHR, all in one place!

Getting Started

Everything you need to know to get started using your Owl account!

Calendar & Appointments

The Owl Calendar is designed to allow you to schedule appointments, create invoices, record payments, and write session notes all within one screen

Client Records

This section provides all the essential tools for managing and connecting with clients, including importing, adding, tagging, and options for handling

Workflow & Dashboard

Owl simplifies admin tasks with the Workflow section and provides valuable insights into your revenue and session metrics through the Dashboard

Telehealth Video Sessions

Owl's Video Therapy allows clinics to connect with clients for secure telehealth sessions via the Client Portal, ensuring a streamlined experience

Session Notes

Learn how to create a session note, apply a template or start from a previous note, associate a file and add your signature

Billing, Payments, & Insurance

All the tools needed to manage billing successfully: from invoices for charges, outstanding balances, secure payments & recording payment

Client Portal

Everything you need to know about Owl's Client Portal and Online Booking feature

Group Edition

Owl is built to support multi-clinician and multi-location practices, with features like customizable profiles, availability, fee scales and more

Security & Compliance

Everything you need to know about Owl's security and compliance - from secure servers to HIPPA