Importing Client Information from SimplePractice

Learn how to efficiently import client information from SimplePractice into your system.

If you are migrating from SimplePractice, Owl Practice can help you make the change easier by importing your client data!  Follow the steps below to prepare your data so that one of our Customer Advocates can get you started with all of your client data intact.

Import Limitations

Due to the nature SimplePractice's data export formatting, we can only preform one import from SimplePractice and cannot support subsequent imports.


Import Accuracy

Please be aware that while we do our best to import as much data as possible, if we can’t be 100% sure we’re matching the correct client to the correct data. If you need additional help importing your data, our Customer Advocates can assist you with the process.


Exporting your data from SimplePractice

You can export your client data by using SimplePractice’s Data Export feature. To do so, you can follow the steps from SimplePractice’s guide outlined below:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Data Export.
  2. Select Export client data
  3. Select all clients for one clinician
    1. Selecting this option allows for a more detailed import, providing a clearer picture of what records belong to which clinician
  4. Select Export

Generating the export may take some time. You will receive an email letting you know when this file is ready to download. After you receive this email, you should return to the Data Export page where you’ll see a link to download the export file to your computer.

Preparing your data for Owl Practice

Before you submit your data to be imported into our system, you will have to modify the files exported from SimplePractice.  Doing so is simple, requiring you to remove excess data and any duplicate client data before repackaging the files for our use.

For Windows Users

  1. Find the exported client data you have downloaded from SimplePractice.  It should be in a .zip file and will look something like this:
  1.  Right-click and select Extract All from the context menu.  Then left-click on Extract to the assigned destination.
  1. Next navigate into the folder that was created.  You should see a list of folders including Contacts and Medical Records.  You will need to delete all of the other folders and files you find in this folder, as they will not be needed for the import process.  An easy way to do this is to hold the Control button on your keyboard and left-clicking all of the unwanted files, then right-clicking on the selecting, and finally left-clicking Delete or pressing the Delete key on your keyboard.
  1. Now, we need to make sure that there are no duplicate client entries.  Navigate to the Contacts folder and delete any duplicate entries you find using the same steps as above.

5. All contact files must have an associated medical record, or they will not be imported.  Check the Medical Records folder to ensure that each client file has an associated folder with the same name as the client.

  1. Finally, you will need to re-package the files to easily transfer them to our team. Navigate back up to the main folder that holds all of your client data, right-click, and the left-click on Compress to and select ZIP File.

For Mac Users

  1. Find the exported client data you have downloaded from SimplePractice.  It should be in a .zip file and will look something like this:
  1.  Control-click and select Open With in the contextual menu, and from there select Archive Utility and use it to extract the files into its own folder.


  1. Next navigate into the folder that was created.  You should see a list of folders including Contacts and Medical Records.  You will need to delete all of the other folders and files you find in this folder, as they will not be needed for the import process.
  1. Now, we need to make sure that there are no duplicate client entries.  Navigate to the Contacts folder and delete any duplicate entries you find using the same steps as above.

5. All contact files must have an associated medical record, or they will not be imported.  Check the Medical Records folder to ensure that each client file has an associated folder with the same name as the client.

  1. Finally, you will need to re-package the files to easily transfer them to our team. Navigate back up to the main folder that holds all of your client data, control-click, and then select Compress to create a compressed .zip file.

Sending your data to Owl Practice

After creating your compressed file, contact a Customer Advocate here and we can get started on importing your data to Owl!